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5 Effective Yoga Poses to Pacify Back Pain

Is back pain troubling you and preventing you from doing your work? Don’t get so worried for there is a solution that can eradicate your suffering – Yoga!. According to the Indian scientists that suggested that yoga is beneficial to cure the back pain.

Yoga poses that include stretching and strength gaining postures make your body flexible that helps you get rid of back pain. But for practicing all these poses, you need proper guidance because even a slightly incorrect pose can lead to a big problem. For that, many yoga centers in Italy provide with regular yoga lessons by trained and experienced yoga instructors.

However, you must consult a doctor before starting these yoga classes. Always carry a mat along for practicing on it. There are no eating restrictions as far a yoga is concerned but yes, it is best done on an empty stomach and you better not eat or drink 2 hours before and 30 minutes after these exercises. Here are some poses that may relieve your back pain:

1. Stretching: Sit straight on a mat and straighten your legs. Now fold one of the legs and through right hand try to touch your right feet. Repeat it for about 20 times. It lifts your back.

2. Downward-Facing Dog Pose: Stand straight then bend your hands in a manner such that they touch your feet. Make sure that your knees don’t bend. A gap of about 3 inches should be there between both your feet and likewise, both your hands. Hold this position for about 6 to 12 breaths. Repeat it seven times. This pose helps support the spine and makes you easily lift objects.

3. Balasana: It is also known as “child’s pose” in which you have to sit on heels and keep your arms next to the body. Then let your head and shoulder touch the ground or the mat. Hold on this position for about 6 to 12 breaths. Repeat it as many times as you can without tiring. This very effective and easy pose would assist you in elongating the back and reducing your stress.

4. Pigeon Pose: The first step to follow is to make a downward-facing dog pose explained earlier, with your feet joined together. Then put your left knee forward and bend it such that the feet are facing to the right side. Your right leg should be extended straight behind you. Make a grip on this pose for about 6 to 12 minutes. This posture is an aid to tighten the hip that prevents back pain from occurring.

5. Triangle Pose: Stand erect with your feet joined. Now, put your right foot 3 or 4 feet forward such that it represents a 45⁰ angle. With your right hand touch your left feet and the other hand facing the sky or the ceiling. It is not compulsory to bend for 10 breaths but according to your potential of keeping your back straight. This pose strengthens your back and lengthens your leg muscles.

These postures help mitigate the back pain. But for practicing these poses, you require a guide to explain to you every pro and con. Many centers provide yoga classes such as the yoga retreat in Italy which have expert yoga teachers. Such centers have instructors that make sure that you do not suffer from any cramp formation or dislocation of bone. It is better to try yoga with the help of expert yoga teachers that tell you about the dos and the don’ts while doing it. Practice yoga poses at yoga centers that would cure you of injury as well as the back pain.   

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